
Know your tea for its flavour and benefits

Tea is an integral part of many cultures and is also one of the most popular drinks on the planet. This article will look at what kinds of tea there are and their benefits so that when you’re next sipping your favourite tea, say earl grey tea, you know which ones might be best for your health needs.

Black tea

The most popular type of tea in the world, black tea, has been around for centuries and can be found in every corner of the globe.

Black teas are made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, a plant that grows mainly in Asia, North America, and Africa. The leaves are steamed or fermented to form a black liquid called “camellia infusion”. This process allows us to preserve its antioxidants while making them easier to consume because they won’t taste bitter like raw leaves when you drink them straight out of your cup.

  • The first step towards producing black tea is harvesting the fresh crop at its peak season by cutting off only those branches that have been picked earlier on down their growth cycle (this means you’ll never see any new growth).
  • Next comes fermentation – this process involves steaming/boiling heated water over open pans containing whole leaf batches until all moisture has evaporated away, leaving behind roasted bits. These then go through another round where additional heat is applied so that all remaining flavours get mixed perfectly into one delicious blend.
  • Earl Grey just happens naturally as it has a bergamot oil flavour, which gives it a peculiar taste. The fragrant earl grey tea is an antioxidant and helps keep up heart health.

Oolong tea

Oolong is a kind of tea that is partially oxidized. It’s commonly grown in China and has a complex flavour, which makes it ideal for those who enjoy more intense flavours than the average green or black tea.

Making oolong is called withering, which involves placing the leaves in a heated pan to bring out their full potential. If you’re interested in learning how to do this yourself, check out our article on how to make your oolong.

Green tea

This tea is relatively uncommon and has a strong flavour. It’s grown in China, Japan, and India. Green tea contains less caffeine than black tea (because it’s a decaffeinated variety). Green teas are rich in antioxidants that can help prevent heart disease and cancer. They also reduce the risk of obesity because they increase your metabolism.

Green tea’s health benefits include the following:

  • Lowering cholesterol levels – This can help prevent heart disease by reducing your harmful cholesterol levels while raising good ones.
  • Reducing body weight – Drinking green tea helps burn fat naturally by boosting the metabolism rate & preventing it from storing any extra calories as fat.
  • Boosting the immune system – You will have more energy to fight off infections like colds or flu viruses than if you don’t drink this antioxidant-rich beverage daily.
  • Improving skin health – Regular consumption of green tea helps improve overall health through its anti-aging properties, which include antioxidants such as catechins found in abundance within its leaves along with magnesium which helps control blood pressure levels so that there isn’t any stress on our organs when we’re exercising vigorously outdoors during summer months; also protects against UV radiation damage so make sure you wear sunscreen regularly too.

White tea

This tea is made from young leaves and buds, which means it’s low in caffeine. This makes it a good option for people who are sensitive to caffeine or want to lose weight.

Yellow tea

This is a rare type of tea that is only produced in China and has a unique flavour compared to other teas. It’s less processed than black or oolong, which makes the taste more authentic.

Pu-erh tea

Pu-erh tea, also known as puer tea or Pu’er tea, is a fermented black tea that’s only produced in China. It’s a popular drink in Asia and has been enjoyed for centuries by locals and tourists.

Pu’erhs are unique because they’re made by fermenting the leaves with bacteria from the soil (called fungus). This process gives them their signature taste and colouration—a bright red/amber colour when fresh or greenish if old—and makes them slightly bitter, unlike other black teas, which tend to taste sweeter without another kind of distinctive flavour beyond just bitterness itself.


Now that you know the basics about different teas, you can start exploring the world of tea!

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